fight back的用法与搭配
抵抗; 反击;强忍住;恢复
1. 抵抗,反击
2. 还击
3. 回击
4. 卷土重来
5. 弹回
- Now beijing is preparing to fight back .
- 现在,中国准备予以反击。
- Some entrepreneurs are trying to help camera opponents fight back .
- 一些初创企业家则试图帮助反对交通摄像头的人士进行反击。
- Scrapers sometimes fight back with software that deciphers captchas .
- 信息搜集公司有时用能破译验证码的软件予以还击。
- It may take a google veteran to fight back .
- 谷歌的老战士可能会对谷歌作出回击。
- The makers of fight back say police in delhi and other indian cities have expressed interest in linking to the system .
- “反击”应用程序开发商表示,德里和其它印度城市的警察都表示有兴趣连接到这一系统。
- When you feel that someone isthreatening your existence you fight back to save yourself .
- 当你感觉有人威胁到你的存在时,你会反击以拯救自己。
- Plenty of time for them to fight back in other ways however if of course they want to .
- 不过,他们有足够的时间来寻找其他还击的途径当然,如果他们想这样做的话。
- But frustrated users fight back in online forums .
- 但是失望的用户在网上论坛予以回击。
- The epa will certainly be a prime target and it 's still unclear how hard obama will fight back on this issue .
- 环保署自然会成为主要目标,至于奥巴马在此问题上的反击力度会有多大,目前尚不清楚。
- No. how would I fight back ?
- 不.那我怎么还手?